Contact Information
Hotline: (802) 888-5256
Business: (802) 888-2584
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 517 Morrisville, Vermont 05661
Drop-In Community Center: 120 Northgate Plaza, Suite 3, Morrisville VT 05661
single story/left side of HA Manosh building
An advocate is generally on-site Monday–Friday, 8am to 4pm and other hours by appointment. If you arrive at the Community Center and no one is there, please call the hotline and an advocate will come to meet you.
If calling the hotline is not a safe option, you can email an advocate at
For your safety, remember to delete the email from your sent messages.
Get In Touch
Staff Directory
Executive Director
Becky Gonyea
Director of Advocacy Services
Steph Beattie
Family & Youth Advocacy Specialist
Ally Scanlon
Criminal Court Advocate
Sierra Boutin
Jazz Fenton
Lyndsay Patrone
If you are interesting in volunteering or interning or would like more information about training or outreach, contact us at