Vermont Resources
As a family resource center, the Lamoille Family Center focuses on creating an atmosphere in which all families are welcomed, nurtured, and supported. Lamoille Family Center recognizes that raising children is an important and challenging job for all parents, and that the outcomes of that endeavor have a profound impact on our communities and society. The Lamoille Family Center is firmly committed to developing a system of care for children and families that weaves together best practices of professionals, the wisdom and experience of families, and the strengths and hopes of the community.
Capstone Community Action provides comprehensive services to help people achieve economic sufficiency with dignity through individual and community development. Services include housing navigation, assistance with applying for benefits such as utility assistance and weatherization, Head Start for Lamoille, Washington and Orange counties, financial literacy/money management, food assistance, and more.
The Lamoille Housing Partnership provides safe, decent, and affordable housing through rental, home ownership, or other means to low and moderate income persons and families living within Lamoille County and Hardwick.
Lamoille County Mental Health is a nonprofit organization providing quality developmental and mental health services to the Lamoille Valley area, enhancing independence and quality of life. Services include individual and group therapy, emergency and crisis support, medication therapy, Community Rehabilitation Treatment (CRT), children & family services, psychiatric services, adult outpatient case management, and more. To reach the emergency mobile crisis team call 802-888-5026 (if calling at night, on a weekend or a holiday, press ‘Option 1’ and ask to page the Crisis Team or Emergency Services).
North Central Vermont Recovery Center is a safe, welcoming substance-free environment for individuals and families on their paths to lasting recovery from substance use disorder. The Recovery Center offers individual recovery coaching, support to individuals on medicated assisted treatment, daily meetings and groups including AA, NA, Al-Anon, acupuncture, reiki, Parents in Recovery Support program, and more. The drop-in center is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday-Friday and welcome to all. For more info, call 802-851-8120.
The Vermont Center for Independent Living (VCIL), a non-profit organization directed and staffed by individuals with disabilities, works to promote the dignity, independence and civil rights of Vermonters with disabilities. Like other independent living centers across the country, VCIL is committed to cross-disability services, the promotion of active citizenship and working with others to create services that support self-determination and full participation in community life. Founded in 1979, VCIL is the only center for independent living (CIL) in Vermont and was the first organization in the state with a majority of board and staff with disabilities.
Vinelink is a free and confidential service through which victims of crime can use the telephone or Internet to search for information regarding the custody status of their offender and to register to receive telephone and e-mail notification when the offender’s custody status changes. The toll-free number for the VAN Service is 866-976-8267, TTY 866-847-1298. This service is provided to assist Victims of Crime who have a right to know about their offender’s custody status.
The Vermont Department for Children and Families (DCF) provides a wide array of programs and services, including adoption & foster care, child care, child development, child protection, child support, disability determination, and economic benefits such as 3SquaresVT, fuel assistance, and health insurance.
SafeSpace is a program at the Pride Center of Vermont. SafeSpace is a social change and social service program working to end physical, sexual and emotional violence in the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning (LGBTQQ+) people. The Pride Center provides information, support, referrals, and advocacy to LGBTQQ+ survivors of violence and offers education/outreach programs in the wider community.
Deaf Victims Advocacy Service (DVAS) serves all signing and non-signing deaf, hard of hearing, late deafened, and deaf-blind individuals to enhance awareness and education about crimes and abuse.
The Vermont Coalition of Supervised Visitation Programs is the collective voice advancing safe contact between children and their non-residential parents and family members in supervised, child-focused environments.
The Prevent Child Abuse Vermont (PCAVT) Parents Helpline is a resource devoted to parents, professionals, and community members for parenting support, resources and referrals. The Helpline is open Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The toll free phone number within Vermont is 1-800-CHILDREN (1-800-244-5373). The PCAVT mainline is 802-229-5724.
Outright Vermont provides support to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth in Vermont. Services include youth and family support, youth leadership and activities, school services, education and training, and more. For more information, call 802-865-9677.
The Lamoille County Special Investigation Unit (LCSIU) is a multi-disciplinary task force created to conduct criminal investigations and provide victim services in response to reports of child sexual abuse, sexual offenses, domestic assault, serious child physical abuse, as well as abuse of vulnerable adults and the elderly in Lamoille County, Vermont.
United Way of Lamoille County provides a comprehensive directory of county-wide resources to individuals in need, connects community partners with resources to coordinate advocacy and support, assists residents in navigating public assistance including Vermont Health Connect, and more. Other programs include New Foundations, a two-year program that focuses on assisting individuals in finding permanent, stable housing, employment, and self-sufficiency; also the firewood program, run in partnership with the State of Vermont.
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